Thursday, April 17, 2014

Spring Renewal

I feel like the spring weather has given me a needed boost. Today was a long day. Echocardiogram at 8 am..... They have to check your heart to make sure the Herceptin and chemo didn't damage it.... Results still pending. I met with my oncologist and all was well except I do have a small lump near my left armpit. For now I'm not to worry about that...... Yeah right! 
I had another infusion of Herceptin and then had radiation. Radiation is going smoothly except that I am very tired. I go to bed at 7 pm almost every night. 
Tender gifts like the edible bouquet from my dear cousin Shondell and dinner from my visiting teacher. 
I love this time of year. It helps to have the spring remind me that we can have fresh starts after gloomy days. I'm ready to be stronger and excited for happy days ahead. 4 more weeks of radiation. 
Check out my hair:

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