Monday, February 10, 2014

Warmth from friends

My mother-in-law participates in a quilting group on Wednesdays. She meets with some wonderful women in her Centerville 5th ward. And a few weeks ago they made me a beautiful pink quilt. It is amazing and it touched my heart.
The pink backing is minky and is SO soft.
And the front is cute breast cancer signs. (I was looking at my arm in this picture... Notice my bruises? My blood platelets get so low that I bruise from anything. The top bruise was from when Joey was pretending to be a vampire and bit my arm! He was so embarrassed when it caused bruising AND when the doctor asked how I got the bruise. I didn't hold back- just told them my husband thinks he is a vampire!!)

This cute group of friends and paying it forward and providing me with warmth and comfort. Thank you!

I can't express completely the impact my friends have on me and the warmth they provide in my life right now. They help me look at the big picture and keep things in perspective when life gets hard and it feels like it will never end. It is just like putting a quilt together. They take scraps and create a masterpiece. All of these lessons I am learning are overwhelming, hard, and sometimes seem useless. But when I stop to look at the big picture I notice the blessings that are created from the useless, hard scraps in my life. Thank you friends for being my life quilt!

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