Saturday, March 1, 2014

This little piggy HURTS!

One side effect that is mentioned with chemo is losing toenails and fingernails. Luckily, I haven't lost any fingernails. But they are weak and short and brittle. Why? The cells in our body for hair and nails are killed along with cancer cells. That is why cancer patients lose their hair. And without the cells reduplicate mg the nails don't grow. This week I have lost both of my big toe nails and I'm about to lose the ring toe on my right foot. Joey can relate because when he was in the Marines he lost toenails. And if you are a runner I'm sure you can relate. It hurts! How can such a little thing create such discomfort? I even wore slippers to work yesterday!! My toes used to be one of my favorite parts of my body! I had cute toes.... Now they are pussy, bloody, demented and disfigured. Boo!!! I hope by summer they will have grown back in. 
(No picture included.... Mikayla said they were too gross!)

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