Saturday, March 1, 2014


I haven't blogged in quote some time. I think it has been fear keeping me from sharing. I started this blog mostly for close family and friends to be in the loop.... And I never anticipated that my blog would be viewed as many times as it has. I am humbled and a bit overwhelmed. I will run into strangers who tell me they read my blog. And then I realized that my audience was far larger than anticipated. I have had 40,000 views on my blog and it has been viewed in 6 different countries. I realized that my blogs may be scrutinized and I am the worst editor of my own work. And being an English teacher I started to stress that my writings would be judged and I was hesitant to write. But then I heard from some women who were battling breast cancer and they stumbled or were introduced to my blog and if it is helpful to just a few people then it is worth the risk of not being perfect. So sorry for the length of time without any updates..... I'm back!

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