Thursday, December 12, 2013

12 days of Chemo

On the first day of Chemo my body gave to me:
A queasy, gassy tummy and a slight headache.
On the second day of Chemo my body gave to me:
A burst of energy before I was exhausted, bone pain and a queasy, gassy tummy and a slight headache.
On the third day of chemo my body gave to me:
A six o'clock pm wall that I hit hard and couldn't stay awake and a queasy, gassy tummy and a slight headache.
On the fourth day of chemo my body gave to me: 
A day full of sleeping and a queasy, gassy tummy and a slight headache.
On the fifth day of chemo my body gave to me:
Low blood pressure, a loss of five pounds, bone pain, diarrhea, vomiting on the side of the road, and a queasy, gassy tummy and a slight headache.
On the sixth day of chemo my body gave to me:
A horrible cold, 2 more lbs down, vomiting in the high school restroom, diarrhea, exhaustion, and a queasy, and a gassy tummy.
On the seventh day of chemo my body gave to me:
A little more energy, 2 more lbs down, no appetite, diarrhea, no voice from my cold, a good cough, runny nose, and a queasy, and a gassy tummy.
On the eight day of chemo my body gave to me:
Exhaustion, a cough, diarrhea and a queasy, and a gassy tummy.
On the ninth day of chemo my body gave to me:
Diarrhea and an increased appetite!
On the tenth day of chemo my body gave to me:
More diarrhea and cracking fingernails.
Ont the eleventh day of chemo my body gave to me:
Diarrhea and exhaustion and my eyelashes falling out.
On the twelfth day of chemo my body gave to me:
More diarrhea but feeling great and ready for another round.

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