Thursday, December 5, 2013

Look good.... Feel better

Tonight I had the opportunity to go to a beauty class for cancer patients up at Huntsman. The class was full of women who have cancer and are undergoing treatment. They go through beauty tips that are specific for us: how to draw on eyebrows, how to apply fake lashes, how to tie a scarf on your head, how to care for your wigs, how to treat your nails when they get weak and fall off, etc. 
We received an awesome care bag full of donated products. 
We were able to bring a guest and my mom went with me. They spent two hours with us and we all left feeling very beautiful. 
We started as a room of strangers but most of us we left as friends. These women were all going through the same things as me at the same time. We could talk about our symptoms and feelings. We all shared our fears and stories. There were five of us from Davis County. One cute girl was 29 and diagnosed while living in France. She had just fallen in love and found out she had breast cancer. She returned to Utah for treatment with her fiancé and plans to get married in three weeks.... While undergoing treatment. Another mom and fellow teacher was just getting ready to start treatment and was worried about missing time from her teaching job in a 1st grade classroom. The stories went on and on.... My mom said after only a few hours that she wanted to hug everyone goodbye! 
My mom and I had so much fun. And yet there was a subtle sadness under the surface as we realized how many women face the challenge of beating cancer. The goal of these classes is to help us feel better so we can get better. I left feeling beautiful and some days when you don't feel so great that is 1/2 the battle!! 
Don't you just love the picture on the white board of how we were supposed to draw on our eyebrows!  In the meantime while I was having girl time the kids were at home with Joey. And just so he didn't feel left out they decided he should have a makeover! 
My sweet mother-in-law, Anita, sent me this awesome quote: 

"I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to go wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles." - Audrey Hepburn
So many things make me feel better: surprise freezer meals (Thanks Brittany!), beautiful Brighton jewelry (Thanks Laila!), foaming bath soap, popcorn and holiday music (Thanks MiKell!) those that cover our Sunbeam class (Thanks Emily!), meals from neighbors (Thanks Lori and Brittany!), a warm beanie (Thanks Desiree) and so many others..... Thank you for helping me always feel better. I am feeling great this week and I now know that it will be 10 hard days with chemo, but then I have 11 good days until the next chemo. So until next Thursday I will enjoy feeling good on my journey to win this war! 


  1. you look beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Love this. I am glad you got to do that. And I love Joeys New look.

  3. Thank you Kate! Joey looks pretty hot!! :) He is a good sport.

  4. You really are a beautiful girl! I SO admire your strength and your awesome attitude! Tell Joey...I'm not so sure about his new look...he should at least shave! :-)
