Friday, September 27, 2013

Flowers brighten up a rainy day!

One of my greatest sources of comfort throughout this process has been my mother-in-law.  What an odd word that is. . . . mother-in-law.  We should call it mother-in-love.  I truly love MiKell.  She has been through this and is a breast cancer SURVIVOR.  She is BRAVE! The other night she stopped by with Moe and they brought these gorgeous flowers.  It had been raining all day.  I had been retelling my cancer story all day long.  I was feeling down.  How can these flowers not brighten your spirit?
It is amazing how much I love her after such a short time.  I truly feel that I have been waiting to be part of her life.  She is beautiful, smart, and yet so grounded and real.  She keeps things in perspective and I love being able to talk to her.  I would have never wanted to say that I'm glad I could share having breast cancer with her. . . . . but I am so happy that she is always there for me and can relate to so many of the feelings and things that I am experiencing.  What a blessing she is in my life- just like these flowers on a rainy day!


  1. Carpe Diem....I am a 14 year breast cancer survivor. Writing your blog will help those 1 in 8 that will hear the news that they too have breast cancer. Mine was discovered with a routine mammogram. I was the first in our family, with my little sister following 3 years later. It sounds strange now, but a lot of my identity were my large breasts.
    What have I learned .....Jesus Christ is our Comforter, God has a bigger plan for us, It's my Spirit, not my body that is attractive.....bodies fade away with age anyway, I love and appreciate my Family and Friends more everyday, I literally stop and smell the roses and I am more in wonderment of God's beautiful earth,I love my birthday's and so glad to celebrate another year...I try not to take life for granted.
    Does it sound like my Breast Cancer was a Blessing? It was!! It changed me for the better !
    I love you darling daughter, we are so lucky to have you, we cherish the day Joey found you.

    time to truly enjoy God's

  2. Love your message MiKell! I saw a billboard today that reminded people that it only takes 30 minutes to get a mammogram. So important! And I love that we are family.
