I guess no one ever really knows why they get cancer and this is the million dollar question. I guess this is my public service announcement. For YEARS, I have been putting my cell phone in my bra. It was more convenient and I didn't see any harm in it. My tumor is right where my cell phone has been sitting for years. Doctors cannot make the claim that cell phones are causing cancer for obvious legal reasons. We have ruled out genetic, hormonal reasons for my cancer. I know in my gut that my cancer was caused because I kept my cell phone in my bra. If you know anyone who does this encourage them to put it in their purse. I may never have the answer to my question, but maybe I can prevent someone else from ever having to ask how they got cancer.
Tucking Cell Phone in Bra May be Connected to Breast Cancer
Date: 06/11/2013
Young women all over the country are tucking their cell phones in their bras. New sports bras even have a handy pocket for a cell phone.
Tiffany Frantz never thought slipping her cell phone into her bra could be putting her life in danger. But now she says, “A cell phone may have caused my breast cancer.”
For five years, Tiffany, who lives in Pennsylvania, kept her cell phone in her bra against her bare skin. “All day, every day, 12 hours a day,” she said.
Tiffany found it more convenient than keeping it in a purse. “Someone called, I'd answer, text right back. Tuck it right back in.”
Then Tiffany noticed a small lump in her breast. The lump got bigger. A biopsy was performed, and the diagnosis was devastating.
“They said it was breast cancer,” said her mom, Traci. “To hear that about your 21-year-old daughter is mortifying.”
Tiffany underwent a mastectomy on her left breast.
“Death was the first thing that popped in my mind,” she said.
Tiffany was a healthy 21-year-old with no family history of breast cancer or any other genetic pre-disposition. So could it have been a cell phone?
“I absolutely believe that storing her cell phone in her bra gave her cancer,” said Traci. “No doubt.”
Traci read the fine print in her family's cell phone manuals. “It’s in black and white.” She read, “Keep it 5/8 of an inch or more away from your body.”
Dr. John West, a Los Angeles breast cancer surgeon, said, “This is a real problem now. If I were a mother, I'd be scared because I know this is common behavior among these teenage girls. They hide it in their bra.”
Dr. West looked into Tiffany's case. He said, "You would not expect to see this in any 21-year-old ever."
Mom Traci said, “The masses were right under the skin where she would have kept her cell phone.”
Dr. West says breast tissue in teens is particularly vulnerable to radiation. “In my heart of hearts, I know something is going on. I can't say they're causing the breast cancer, but I absolutely can say with passion, that until we get more information, stop! stop! stop!”
Now 23, Tiffany had reconstructive breast surgery and is still undergoing chemotherapy. She warns women to make the bra a no phone zone.
“If it happened to me it could happen to anybody,” she said.
It's important to note that Tiffany's cell phone was completely shut down while she was demonstrating where she kept it, so she wasn't in any danger. And while Tiffany believes she knows what caused her cancer, there are no studies that conclusively link cell phones to breast cancer.
Tiffany Frantz never thought slipping her cell phone into her bra could be putting her life in danger. But now she says, “A cell phone may have caused my breast cancer.”
For five years, Tiffany, who lives in Pennsylvania, kept her cell phone in her bra against her bare skin. “All day, every day, 12 hours a day,” she said.
Tiffany found it more convenient than keeping it in a purse. “Someone called, I'd answer, text right back. Tuck it right back in.”
Then Tiffany noticed a small lump in her breast. The lump got bigger. A biopsy was performed, and the diagnosis was devastating.
“They said it was breast cancer,” said her mom, Traci. “To hear that about your 21-year-old daughter is mortifying.”
Tiffany underwent a mastectomy on her left breast.
“Death was the first thing that popped in my mind,” she said.
Tiffany was a healthy 21-year-old with no family history of breast cancer or any other genetic pre-disposition. So could it have been a cell phone?
“I absolutely believe that storing her cell phone in her bra gave her cancer,” said Traci. “No doubt.”
Traci read the fine print in her family's cell phone manuals. “It’s in black and white.” She read, “Keep it 5/8 of an inch or more away from your body.”
Dr. John West, a Los Angeles breast cancer surgeon, said, “This is a real problem now. If I were a mother, I'd be scared because I know this is common behavior among these teenage girls. They hide it in their bra.”
Dr. West looked into Tiffany's case. He said, "You would not expect to see this in any 21-year-old ever."
Mom Traci said, “The masses were right under the skin where she would have kept her cell phone.”
Dr. West says breast tissue in teens is particularly vulnerable to radiation. “In my heart of hearts, I know something is going on. I can't say they're causing the breast cancer, but I absolutely can say with passion, that until we get more information, stop! stop! stop!”
Now 23, Tiffany had reconstructive breast surgery and is still undergoing chemotherapy. She warns women to make the bra a no phone zone.
“If it happened to me it could happen to anybody,” she said.
It's important to note that Tiffany's cell phone was completely shut down while she was demonstrating where she kept it, so she wasn't in any danger. And while Tiffany believes she knows what caused her cancer, there are no studies that conclusively link cell phones to breast cancer.
Lisa, I am so sorry to hear the breast cancer has come into your life. My Mom had breast cancer about 3 years ago and it was not fun and certainly a time to be brave for all of us. She was also Her2 +. She is not married and so my sister and I were her primary caregivers and got to learn a lot more about cancer than I ever dreamed I would know. She is now "cancer free" and I pray it will never return. My heart just aches to know you and your family have these trials to go through together. At the same time I know it is also an amazing experience, an amazing community to become a part of, and that you will find strength in so many faces. It's so incredibly touching how many people reached out to my Mom and our family. It's amazing the love that this type of trial creates. It breeds patience, kindness, support and love. Perfect strangers find ways to let you know that they care and that they are there for you. I'm so glad that you have a strong "family" at school. What a blessing to add that to your sweet husband, children, and extended family. I think you are so BRAVE for posting your experience right from the start. I want you to know you are in my thoughts and prayers. Your beautiful cheerful spirit will help you stay strong and brave and you will overcome!!! I love you! Jolie
DeleteThank you for your kind words. I am sure I will have days when I don't feel Brave but I will have the community that you just talked about to hold me up. I may reach out to you or your mom if I need to chat through this process. Thank you for your love!
Ironically I thought of you the first time I read this article. I can't believe this is the reason. Well, I can, it's just shocking. I'm so sorry! Thinking about and praying for you every day! You are such an amazing woman and I'm so glad you have your great family to help you through this!
ReplyDeleteI love you Tammy! You are my 'postive Patty'! I guess I'll never know if this is the reason, but it sure does make sense to me. And I guess it just makes it easier to fight if you have a reason why you have cancer. Thank you for your friendship. I love you!