I lean on my family every day for support, but my teaching friends deal with me 8 hours every day for 5 days every week. This is the card they gave me this week. I was overwhelmed with the kindness, love and humor. I found that humor is often the best medicine for dealing with trials. The inside of the card had messages like:
"Perky days are in your future!"
"We are your support!"
I mean if you can't have a little fun when you have breast cancer. . . . . .
I love where I work. I have actually never hated a place where I have worked. I have made incredible lifelong friends throughout my career. Teachers are an odd bunch. We tend to correct strangers in the grocery store when they are out of line. We aren't afraid to start up a conversation with random people in public places. We have our quirks. But one thing that we know how to do is support each other when we face challenges.
My teaching bubbies help me stay positive. They let me vent when I need to blow off steam. Jami showed up the day after my diagnosis with bracelets that say "i heart boobies". We wear our bracelets and I know they have my back. I might need them to take one of my classes, help me plan my lesson for the day, cover for me while I run to the bathroom to puke, give me an Odwalla nutrition drink instead of a Diet Coke, or maybe just give me a big hug! I have an awesome support team at Bountiful High School. Go Braves! BRAVE ON!
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