Thursday, September 26, 2013

We are ready for WAR

September 26
Now is the time to prepare for battle.  We meet with the Oncologist on Monday.  And we see the surgeon on Thursday.  I asked why we would see the Oncologist first and I was told that I would be doing chemotherapy before surgery.  This is where I take a deep breath and find my Brave face.
Chemo scares me-
I don't want to throw up all the time.
I don't want to lose my hair.
I don't want to lose my eyelashes- (if you know me well, you know this for sure!)
I am scared of how to work and be a mom and go through chemo.
I am already scatterbrained. . . I don't want to have 'chemobrain'.
But this is when you prepare for battle and determine that you will be Brave!
I asked my students to help me make a playlist of songs that will get me through and I had so many different songs.  They were so awesome to think about what song they love that would help their teacher. 
I talked to my nurse at Huntsman today.  I had questions that were unanswered and it was killing me to wait until Monday.  She told me that I was ER negative and PR negative and HER positive.  This isn't the greatest news since it means I have the most aggressive form of breast cancer.  But it is only in Stage II so we caught it in the early stages.  But hormone therapy isn't the cure, chemo is the recommended course. 
This was hard news to swallow even though I already had prepared myself for this.  I guess it just makes things more real when it is on paper and staring at you on a test report from the doctor's office.  As I was finishing my day today I was watching one of our special education students that is mostly wheelchair bound trying to walk down the hall at school.  I thought to myself. . .  (stealing Angela Gardner's thoughts) "If he can do that surely I can do hard and challenging things." So I put on my Brave face and prepare for battle.  And Sara Bareilles gives me my war chant:

You can be amazing   I can be amazing.  I can do this.

Say what you wanna say
And let the words fall out
Honestly I wanna see you be brave   I will show how BRAVE I can be.

With what you want to say
And let the words fall out
Honestly I wanna see you be brave

 I wanna see you be brave

Everybody’s been there, everybody’s been stared down  We all do hard things.  We all have courage.
By the enemy                                                                     CANCER is my ENEMY.
Fallen for the fear and done some disappearing                I am scared and sometimes want to hide.
Bow down to the mighty                                                    What an awesome line- trust in God.
Don’t run, stop holding your tongue                                  Face the battle-
Maybe there’s a way out of the cage where you live         There is a cure.  My doctors will help!
Maybe one of these days you can let the light in                I will be cancer free again!
 Show me how big your brave is                                         I will show you my BRAVE!

 Innocence, your history of silence                             I have had hard times, but this time I'll fight loud
Won’t do you any good
Did you think it would?                                             Hiding alone won't be good. 
Let your words be anything but empty
Why don’t you tell them the truth?                       This blog is my way of telling the truth about cancer

 I wanna see you be brave!                                        Here we go. . . . . I'm ready for WAR!


  1. Lisa you are amazing and brave!! You will be in my prayers.

    1. Thank you Lesley. You are an inspiration to me as well. You have been through hard things that I couldn't imagine. You are an example to me of how to be BRAVE!

  2. Geez, Lisa, this just sucks! I'm glad you found it early - you'll beat It. Thank goodness you found your one and only. He seems like a great guy; he'll help you get through it. You're one of my all-time favorite people! You're in my prayers.

    1. Oh I miss you so much! You know that I would have been in the library every day with you going through this. It was my own private island!! (with saltine crackers!)
      I will beat this. And I know how brave you are as a caretaker. And I watch my sweet husband and know that this is often harder on the loved ones than the one actually with the illness/disease. You are brave and you inspire me. You always have a smile and you are always positive. Tell my Pioneers that I love them and miss them all!

    2. Even though I know you will beat this, it's still crappy that you have to go through it! We have missed you! I wish there was something we could do to help you through it. Being a caretaker isn't fun, but I would rather do that than be the patient! I'm not tough enough.
      You are too darn young to have a diagnosis like this. I think of you often and will pray for you and your family.
      BJ and I will bring you some crackers!

  3. Lisa, I had no idea!! You would think living in this little BHS bubble the word would have spread, but it is good to know that we all are on your side and whatever I can do for you just let me know. You are such a joy to work with and even though life can be hard, trials make us who we are and I have come to know that you are a sassy, hard-working, never-give-up BRAVE woman!! Fight hard! - Michele Smith

    1. Thanks Michele! And I love that you called me sassy! I would have probably called it stubborn, but either way it will help in my fight! And thank you for your words of encouragement.

  4. We are praying for you Lisa. Love you lots. You can do it!

    1. Thank you Jen. I received an amazing message from Dan on facebook the other day. This is the main reason for this blog. I have so many cousins that live far away and don't know what is going on and hear things through the grapevine. I thought this would be a great method for me to be able to reach you guys and let you know what is going on and all the dirty details all the way from AZ! You guys have faced many hard things and your Josh is an inspiration for me. And as caregivers I admire you as I watch my sweet husband and know that he is in for a long haul! Love you guys!
