Thursday, September 26, 2013

My Brave Girl!

'My BRAVE'- Actually my amazing wife graduated from Woods Cross High School so technically she is a "Wildcat"... she does however teach "BRAVES' at Bountiful High. I have never met a person so purely and honestly dedicated to her students!  She is incredible, amazing, resilient. and a powerful role model! She believes that being a strong woman is part of her responsibility and identity as an educator! Lisa and I married just seven months ago... It was very fast, but so RIGHT! I have NEVER felt such conviction and confirmation with anyone who has been part of my life! ! We brought two amazing families together and have been inseparable since! I love my Girl! I know that this challenge will not just strengthen us, but, will give us an opportunity to serve! We are very grateful for all of you that have been present and supportive! We hope that through this blog we can make sure we keep all of you informed! Please send your love for Lisa and know that we value your encouragement! Thank you for being part of our life!
                            - Joey

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