Saturday, November 16, 2013

Still falling in love

This week was very unique for us as we both had the opportunity to watch each other in action.  I love how passionate my husband is about his job. This week he held a home buying seminar. As I was watching him from the back of the room I was so impressed and felt so grateful to be his wife. I see him take phone calls, send emails, write and negotiate contracts, show homes, etc. But this was different. This was about his expertise and knowledge about his profession and nothing is more attractive than an intelligent man. 
I was reminded of how grateful I am to have him as my husband. He is truly amazing. This was an area that I hadn't seen him shine in and I was pleased that he could still surprise me by making me fall even more in love. 
The next morning I had the opportunity to have my friend from college, Tyler Jolley, come speak to my junior class. He just published another book and was in the state on a book tour.  Joey decided to come to listen to Tyler.  I didn't do anything but introduce Tyler, but Joey made me giddy as he remarked that he liked watching me in action. I felt beautiful, confident and successful in my husband's eyes. 
(Tyler and his co-author Sherry- check out the book, Extracted)
(And three of my students who won copies of the book!)

These events may seem mundane, but it was a night and a day where we were still newlyweds. Cancer wasn't important to us. We were focused on our jobs and we were successful. But most of all we were successful in falling deeper in love! 

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