My mom and dad showed up with dinner and an object lesson. He handed each of our kids a toothpick and asked them to break it into half. This was easily done. One little toothpick us weak all alone and can be shattered easily. But then he put six toothpicks all together (5 of us in our home and one to represent the Savior). He then asked the kids to try to break them. It couldn't be done. The lesson is that we are not alone when we are going through our challenges and that we won't break if we help each other.
At this same moment my sister-in-law is at the hospital with her ailing grandma. When you watch and pray for a pet and crumble when things don't go as expected you do realize that the pain will subside. But it is nothing when stacked next to someone who has been in your life forever and you are facing hard challenges. Holly has an amazing family and just like those toothpicks they are string together and it reminds me I am not alone facing hard things and I need to be aware of those in need around me.
This couldn't be more apparent than when a 10 year old neighborhood girl comes to your front door because she heard we lost our puppy. Sam had remembered a book that reminds us to make lemonade out of lemons and told her mom that she wanted to give her book to me and make me cookies to cheer me up. She wrote me a beautiful note and is reminding me to be brave. I was taught a valuable lesson from a sweet young girl who reached out of her comfort zone to comfort me.
Kaliee sent me flowers and a note that she knew was perfect for me. And the notes and messages of love have been humbling. Thank you for your tenderness and love.
And although my tears keep falling and I need to still find peace I am blessed by the grace and goodness of those around me that remind me that I am not meant to be "depressed, defeated, guilty, condemned, ashamed, or unworthy". I need to be brave and look outside myself to be reminded that I have a cluster of toothpicks that will not let me break. With our community of love no matter what outcomes come to our lives we can be victorious!
And our sweet, little Dixie is safe and protected in heaven and I'm sure that her loving spirit is touching others just as she did here. I'm so grateful for the 4 days that I had to have her enter my heart.
You are one of my toothpicks:-)