Perhaps it is just that this year has been so crazy that I have aged more than I normally would! Facebook makes you feel old as you read all your birthday notes from friends near and far! Those all made my day. Thank you!
During lunch on Tuesday my cute mom, Holly, and Amelia came to celebrate a day early with me. They joined me in my classroom and in felt spoiled and loved their company.
On Tuesday I had the opportunity to go watch the Jazz play. And have dinner with the big wigs downstairs!! It was so awesome. I felt a little melancholy because as a young girl I attended many Jazz games with my grandparents. I remember going to Crown Burger before the game and eating a grilled cheese or a corn dog and their awesome fry sauce! We even sat in the same table every game!
I remember the Salt Palace games and having to walk upstairs to get TCBY yogurt. I remember the Jazz band and the original Jazz dancers. We always went out and got Dots and drinks at 6 minutes before the half. And grandpa would keep them in his shirt pocket and eat them out of his shirt during the game. I remember going to bed at night and dreaming that I would for sure marry a Jazz player. It was such a huge party of my life.
So when Moe and MiKell let us use their tickets I was giddy with excitement. I now have two former students who are Jazz dancers and my cousin is a Jazz dancer, and yet everything felt so different. No more of the old days! But then I realized that this was a new opportunity to grow closer to my husband. He paid way too much to park close so I wouldn't have to walk very far! Love! He took such great care of me and I felt so happy to be there with him and to be his wife. He took his new binoculars because he is still just a kid. Yes..... For the lower bowl! He said it was to play "people watching games"! And we had a blast! Towards the end of the 3rd quarter I hit a wall and we had to leave early, but the whole way home he let me tell him my memories of Jazz games and I let him share a few also!
The next day was my birthday!
Joey surprised me with breakfast at work, flowers at home, and a new set of cookware! And they are Red!!
MiKell gave me a sweet card with more shopping money that I can't wait to spend! Larry and Laila sent some beautiful earrings that look awesome! My student teacher made me a scarf. My teaching besties gave me Great Harvest Bread....yum! Kaliee brought me a bunch of my favorite things. The relief society left a cute card. My brother posted my favorite moment as a child on Facebook! I heard from all of our big kids! The little kids were sweet and didn't argue all night. It was such a nice day.
And then at 9:30 Joey lit candles and turned off the lights in our bedroom and he massaged my arms, legs, and feet using lavendar oil to soothe my stomach. He spent an hour spoiling me and connecting to me in such an intimate way....that wasn't your traditional definition of intimate. It was the greatest gift I could have received. I felt his deep, selfless love and knew this was about making me feel better and relax. I have never felt so close and just went I thought my love couldn't get any deeper- it did! I am such a lucky lady!
Next year will be a big year. For 40 I will throw a big bash and I will have a lot to celebrate. This year I celebrate that I can be winning this battle and that I have so many of you that keep me smiling!
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