Thursday, January 23, 2014

Movie Time

Grandma Judy always tries to do activities once a term with the grandkids. This time she took them all to a movie. It was a show about nuts and Dallas being a 12 year old told me many snarky things about nuts during the show..... Crazy kid! 
No one else was in the theater so grandma played it off that she had rented the whole theater for us!!

The movie was a kid's show but as with all kid shows there is always deeper meaning for those adults stuck in the show! 
In all movies things have to be falling apart and in kid movies they always have a happy ending! So this quote fit the movie and so my life. Before I met Joey I was unlucky in love. I was just starting to give up on love with that one true love and things just fell I to place. And such has been our relationship where we don't always understand things and we just have faith and wait and things just fall into place. I make it sound so easy and a show is over in two hours. It isn't easy to try to be patient when you are facing hard challenges and there are still things we are facing that we may not understand how it will play out in the end and the reason for those hard tests, but just like the kid's show we hope it will all end up happy!
This show was about a squirrel trying to find nuts for the winter and he is faces many obstacles and often doubts his abilities. In fact he states that he is not a hero and isn't capable of being a hero and plot spoiler.... He ends up being a hero! Sometimes we don't know what we can do. I didn't think that I could ever say that chemo wasn't that bad after the first two treatments. I didn't think I could stay working, cleaning the house, cooking, and doing laundry. But I just kept trying and I am capable of more than I anticipated. And more portably I have learned to ask for help for the things I am not capable of doing. 
And the show ends with a task that may have seemed impossible a conquered task. Beating cancer.... Being a survivor... These are still things that seem impossible until I have that final confirmation that we did it! In September it seemed impossible until my sweet husband pulled out his Wayne Dyer book and put me in a perspective of looking at things in a different way. So I know believe that it is possible to do impossible things. But I still need to see it on paper!!

Sometimes you walk into a kid movie thinking you'll have time to take a nap or check your emails and then you end up learning more about yourself and making some personal reflections. I guess more kid shoes are on the horizon! Joey will be SO excited!!

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