Thursday, January 23, 2014

Hugs are the best!

What does a hug do to your mood? It makes my entire mood shift gears. If I'm loading the dishwasher.... I continue with a smile! If I'm getting ready for bed.... It helps me feel safe and connected to my loved ones. If I'm saying goodbye for even an hour... I know that if anything happens I have expressed my love.
At night after our family prayer we have a rule that everyone has to hug everyone in the room. 

And we have an exceptional hugger in our family. You may wonder what makes an expert in the field of hugging? Well Savana has it down!

She is genuine with her hugs. She means it and you know it cones straight from her heart. 
She hugs everyone. No one is excluded. No discrimination of hugs. Even if she is mad at Dallas because he darted during the prayer she will still hug him. 
And the icing on the cake is that if she really loves you you will get more than one hug in an hour. 
She is teaching our family to show our love with actions and not just words. She is comfortable expressing her love which is rare in a 12 year old and very unique. She is our teacher and we are learning to love more and to love each other harder. Thank you HugBug! We love you!

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